Thursday, October 5, 2017


In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we read these words..."it is not good that man should be alone, I will make a help meet for him."  At the heart of very man is the desire to have a companion.  In the depths of the woman's heart is the desire to BE that companion.  What fun is that sports car if there is no woman to take for drives in it?  What enjoyment comes from cooking a meal when there is no husband to eat it with you?  In general, we know that life was not meant to be lived alone.  Yet, for many, this is the norm.  One goes to their place of employment, works, earns money.  Then, it's time to go home...but there is no one there.  It is dark.  It is quiet.  It is lonely.  There is no one to make dinner with.  There is no one to sleep beside.  Morning comes. Alone.  This is hard.  I believe it is hard because we weren't made to live this way!  
Why do we live this way?  It is the curse of sin.  When Adam and Even chose to sin, the perfect relationship God intended was forever marred.  Broken at best.  
In Genesis 3 we read that part of the curse would be that men would rule over women and woman's desire would be for her husband.  This seems to indicate the struggle that would happen between the two sexes.  There would be longing for each other, but a power struggle would take place.  It will always be the temptation of men to overpower women and for women to so desire a man, that she would stay in abusive situations.  
But with grace...marriages CAN be good!  Singleness CAN be lived in joy, the joy of Christ who has promised to one day, Make. All. Things. New.  In heaven someday, all loneliness will be forever gone.  Forever.  No more.  Perfect union with Christ and the saints of all times will be our eternal state.  So much to look forward to!

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