Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Hello, everyone! I want to report a very successful Vacation Bible School at the South Park Church on June 1-5! We had 39 different children, including babies, and a number of adults who came from time to time. We heard about some of the heroes and characters from the Old Testament such as Jacob and Esau and Gideon with his ragtag army of 300. Through stories, songs, crafts, etc., the good news of Jesus Christ was presented. As an outgrowth of the VBS, in part, we will be starting a Ladies' Bible Study in the very near future. One of the ladies who we are hoping to reach, had two children who came to VBS. They are an unchurched family, so this is an exciting new outreach. We plan to begin our Bible Study learning all about Jesus Christ. If you think of us, please pray for the Lord's help and blessing.