Friday, December 13, 2013

It's Still "Merry Christmas!"

It's still, "Merry Christmas," even though not everything in  my life is "merry."  So, how can it still be "merry?"  It can still be "merry" because of Christ.  Period.  As John Piper says so well, Jesus came to not so much bring me bread, but as to BE BREAD!  A line from a familiar Christmas Carol comes to mind..."...the hopes and fears of all the years, are  met in Thee, tonight."  Yes, all of my hopes can be met and fulfilled, ultimately in Christ.  So, even though my brother Michael is fighting cancer something fierce, Christmas is still "merry."  
Jesus came to bring us life!  Not a better life on this earth, but eternal life which begins in our hearts here.  Throw out all the "health and wealth" gospel bringers, they can't offer me any scripture which can support that.  Jesus came to bring the real, abiding life which springs hope eternal, even in the midst of great suffering!  The promise of sins forgiven, and Christ alive within.   Christ came to give so much more than a present under the tree, He came to take care of my GREATEST need, the need for salvation and forgiveness.  So, yes, Christmas is still "merry," no matter what!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope..."(I Pet. 1:3, NIV)

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