Greetings one and all...I hope somebody actually reads my posts...anyway, last evening, I was feeling a bit down about the situation with BO being president. This morning, I was drawn to Psalm 37. Have you read it lately? It has to be one of my favorite Psalms. Grab your Bible and take a peek...
Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass
and wither as the green herb...
Wow! It seems like evil is winning in so many ways! It's like everybody is having a hay day, just reveling in sin and trying to think of ways to be more evil.
But, the Bible is clear...their day is very short!
In the meantime, we are to do what is says a bit farther into this chapter...
Trust in the Lord...
Dwell in the land...
Feed on His faithfulness...
Rest in the Lord...
Commit your way unto the Lord...
Delight yourself in the Lord...
We are to be like tiny children. The world may be raging all around, but they are content being held in their father's arms. They don't need to worry, for all of their needs will be taken care of. God is still in control. He is working out His purpose...the day is coming when the wicked will be no more! We don't need to fret, God is keeping track of everything...His love is unending.