Hello, my friends!
Last week, I was blessed to attend the annual Kansans for Life Valentine Banquet! Wow, what an evening! Nearly 1,000 people came to hear about what is happening in the pro life movement. My parents and I organized a table with 9 people and my brother Michael, his wife Shawna, and oldest niece, Luanna were also at the event along with my nephew, Karson.
Part of the evening, included a preview of a new movie which will be coming out soon "Thine Eyes." This movie will document the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. which was held this January. Most of the main stream media will not report accurately how many people attend these events. A local writer here, Jack Cashill (www.cashill.com) wanted to do this movie to show how many people really came. Would you believe 300,000!!!! This further proves that many Americans are pro life!
We also were blessed to hear Pedro and Michelle Armesto speak regarding Michelle's abortion which she was forced by her parents to have here in the state of Kansas. What a sad story. After she expelled the dead baby, she saw it lying on the floor of the abortion clinic. She was horrified. She cried as she spoke of this happening.
She is now very pro life and has testified here in the Kansas Legislature.
I would encourage you to find out about your local and state pro life organizations. Get involved. Give. Pray.
Lastly, enjoy the four beautiful choices for life pictures here! My three nieces and my nephew!!! They are precious and I'm so glad their parents chose life!
Hello, everyone. Hope you are surviving in these winter days. I'm ready for Spring! In the mean time, I've been studying about the kings of Israel and Judah in Chronicles and Kings. What an interesting study! One of the good kings was King Asa in Judah. This was during the time of the divided kingdom. King Asa reigned, and for the most part, was a righteous king.
"Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God, for he removed the altars of the foreign gods and the high places...He commanded Judah to seek the Lord God of their fathers...he said to Judah, 'we have sought the Lord our God; we have sought Him and He has given us rest on every side...' "
Here we have a recipe for revival! Remove sin in our lives, seek the Lord, experience rest. How well it would be if America would see this as the way to life. Instead, we see our country approaching chaos. We have a president, so called, who seems to either have no idea how to govern properly, or sees it and doesn't care as he drags our nation farther down a pathway to hell. Perhaps, we are beginning to experience some of God's judgment on our country with the economic turmoil we have been seeing. And realistically, how much longer can we go without God's judgment? We have murdered 45 million unborn babies in this country. We are ripe for judgment.
Not to end on a dismal note, however...perhaps we should pray that our nation would began using this recipe for revival instead of relying on the failed promises of worldly men. Removing sin(eliminating abortion), seeking God(asking Him to once again be a part of our schools and other aspects of public life) and then experiencing rest.
On a personal level, we can experience this sort of revival and rest any time! We can rid our lives of any known sin, we can seek God first, and then we can experience rest in our hearts though the world is raging all around.
God's blessings upon you...